Sunday, February 21, 2010

about wedding

Haven't give much thoughts about wedding until today.

Went to a fengshui master to pick some dates for wedding and turn out that my husband-to-be actually cannot get married in 2011 (lunar calendar). Plus must be three months before or after my elder sis. So our choice were limited. Good because I am indecisive. Bad because we have to make a choice - either solemisation and/or banquet in 2010 or 2012.

The usual thing happen. At first I was cool. I thought just settle everything in 2010 and end of story. Then I start to think having a solemnisation first in 2010 then banquet (if we want) in 2012 was not a bad idea. That's it. My partner hated my indecisiveness and the bomb exploded (ignited by me).

Seriously, I am quite a last-min person. Can't make plans upfront. I do what I feel like doing at that moment and often stumbled across obstacles. A simple scenario will be meeting friends for dinner. If you date me upfront especially more than 4 pple in a group, the most likely outcome will be I put aeroplane (7 out of 10 times maybe). If you date me last min, I would be able to make it usually. Coz I dun like to have something in my calendar that makes me feel like I can't make plans for other things (despite I may not have a specific program in mind for that day). If I date people, I usually can't find anyone as random as me. But once I reach home, I would be glad to have the time for myself so it makes no difference if eventually I find a date or not.

So back to the wedding, to make plans for something like far ahead, I really can't decide!

Another thing is about my partner who just want to go around to collect the wedding brochures first for research. In fact, 2011 prices are not out yet. So I scared it's a futile effort. Plus you can't view the ballroom, the lobby can't give you an indication how the ballroom will be like. I prefer to collect information from forums and reviews, it's more accurate I personally feel.

So we had an argument. So sad, we haven't even started planning.

He gave me a feeling that he just want to settle the formalities and the normal ritual and that's it.

To me, I (suddenly) feel that a wedding is a once-in-a-lifetime (i dun wanna married for the 2nd time of coz) event. If it's just to complete the normal ritual, I rather we just have nothing. If we are going to have something, it better be something that is memorable and personalised.

So now to me, he is looking for a venue that is convenient to his guests and then draft the list of guests he is going to invite to fit in the min number of tables. I find that it serve no purpose. I rather have nothing.

Need to be on the same page and common understanding. I need to book his schedule among his busy period for a meeting about this.

Friday, February 19, 2010

not a news person

was telling him that I need to know more about the political world in SG because I know nuts about it. Other than Prime Minister and Mr Lee and Mr SR N., nope, I dunno who are the ministries.

Even my sis who dun go out of the house is more updated than me...

He: So what's the latest news you know? tell me...
Me: *dumbstruck* erm... I know about the new citizen! coz my cohort mates were discussing it during their rehearsal. yup. that was like one month ago. I think the budget is coming right? Coz I wanna know if I can get tax rebate anot.

Haiz. so I downloaded the CNA app, something I never thought I will d/l.


Thursday, February 18, 2010

Of water therapy

I saw this on my friend's blog and it's called water therapy. I am trying out for the first day. Unfortunately, I really cannot drink 1.5 l of water (that will be crazy). So I tried just 2 small ikea cup (just calculated: that's abt 400 ml) after I woke up.
The feeling was...


For the next 45 mins on my way to work, I feel it working! Seriously! I could feel my stomach doing some somersaults and when I reached office, I rushed to the loo. LAO SAI! wahhaha. okay not so serious one lah.

I drank another 2 cups of plain water before waiting for one hr later to drink my soy milk (I am so clever, I bought hot one so that it still stay warm one hr later).

I feel good. Lighter. Just that I am so watery full that I can't slot in a time to drink a cuppa tea. I even went for a run even though I reached home at 8pm! I ish so disciplined! Okay I admit, it's because someone pissed me off and I need to vent my anger.

Oh. random but we went to Sin Swee Kee for lunch and it was damn cheap! $2.50 for chicken thigh rice plus 1/2 egg and 4 piece of cucumber. where to find. It was quite nice except not salty enough.

Here's the water therapy link.

Basically it's just about drinking 1.5L of water when u wake up before brushing teeth. Easy?

Let's all try and stay healthy! *wink*

Wednesday, February 17, 2010

my ah ma on tv!

Hah. so funny to see my ah ma on tv, being interviewed on why she went to the Seletar Kampong. Luckily got mobtv.
That's my ah ma! *excited*

Tuesday, February 16, 2010

still awake!

OMG! I am still awake. I shouldn't have tried to jailbreak my iphone! I CAN'T GET IT REBOOT! Haiyo. I din know the new tethered jailbreak thing is so troublesome. I miss my old buddy! It din give me problem for the longest time.

And Apple wanna punish me! I can't download 3.1.3 which means I cannot restore which means I cannot turn my phone on! which means I CANNOT SLEEP!!


Just remembered that I din save the photos and video I took during CNY.

FML x 2!

Anyway, I played 3 mahjong session since the new year started. Luck not too bad, I feel. At least when I opened or drew the tiles, the hope is there. Sometimes, I even get to find my friends like bai ban and fa cai to join me at the table. unlike last year. The worst was the night before, I lost the whole drawer of chips and owed money! But then again, I had fair shares of 5tais so I dun really feel the pinch ya (anyway, the money din came from my pocket, maybe that's y.)

Holiday ending, time to give some thoughts to some serious matter.

Sunday, February 14, 2010

Happy chinese new year!

Yet another new year but I don't feel as much excited as I was. Usually at the bare min, I will make sure that my room is clean, buy a new bedsheet, new clothes and undies. This year only bought new clothes (randomly).

On lighter note, I have some new accessories.

Wearing black and white. So I have to match with a red belt to bring out the CNY feeling.

Since I have to whip out my camera to test my makeup - see how it look under flash (have horrifying experience in that), I took some shots of me as well. I doubt pple will be interested so here's just one to say happy new year and happy valentine's day!
*sorry huh, need to edit then can post. haha.

Saturday, February 13, 2010


Dear i-sh,

WAS glad that holiday on the way on Friday now. I find the week pretty unbearable. So Sat, on this last day of lunar year 2009, I went for a run and mad pleased with myself. I even went NTUC to grab some last min buys with my mom!

I went home planning for an awesome bath - scrub my body and do so treatment but before that, let's wash my quilt and mattress cover. My moomoo even dropped from sky high and hit Veg boy. Perhaps that's a hint. But I din get it.

Was in my awesome bath when I heard my mom shout, "QIAO AH, WHY YOU WASH YOUR PHONE?"

Sorry i-sh, I din take care of you. Don't even know you are in the washing machine for the last 30 mins! I wanna bang wall. I was still harbouring hope that you are alive. and 10 mins later, emotions hit me like waves of tsunami. I started crying while blowdrying you. Patches of water stains apppeared on the screen and refused to dry up.

Desperate, I googled for a solution. Rice and hairdryer used but looked futile. The only solution is to exchange you for a new set for $350 in singtel commcentre.

Rushed down to comcentre with my dear. Luckily it wasn't packed. But the emotions didn't go over. It pained my heart when the person wanna take off your clothes and I have to do it for her. And sorry that I din backed up my data for a very long time. The closest backup I can restore on your bro is eons months' ago which mean it won't be a full replica of you. My last memory of you is still in my sister's camera

Sorry! I have bad luck with water plus gadgets and it was usually laptops. I forgot that you are a gadget too.

I promise that I will take care of your bro. At least I won't throw it into washine machine with my quilt.

Rest in peace.
12 July 2009 - 13 Feb 2010

Friday, February 12, 2010

Random Friday night

Nana and veg close shot.

Mr XX bought clothes from bkk and nana is the model!

How can i forget bubble!!

Couple wear!

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Monday, February 8, 2010

Testing with apps

Nana groomed.

Like not groomed. She still looked so messy. T_T

- Posted using BlogPress from my iPhone

do you know

"My computer" is called "计算机", not "我的电脑".. was changing my PC's display language because my uncle just got a laptop from Thailand and wants it to be in chinese. Learnt new things!

Anyway, today is a day when I feel a deep regret. now then I know I have a blissed life last time. Really wish I can turn back time ya.

And I think something is wrong with my house fengshui. My family falling sick, and even brought the bad luck to my dear's Grandpapa. Hope he is alright and well enough for CNY.

Long weekends coming, hang on people!

Saturday, February 6, 2010

What's wrong with pple nowadays!?!

Was looking at those demOstration selling this dicer which cuts veggie onto small pieces. Thinking nana can use, I asked the saleswoman more. She showed me and told me it's ten bucks. So I told her I think abt it. Know what's her reply?!

She said "十块钱还要想一下咩"

WTF! It's damn fucking rude can!! I din even be rude to Her or do anything disrespectful. Who is she to throw her temper on me!

And my partner being as insensitive as usual, didn't help me at all. All I need is just one intelligent sentence from her to shoot back to that rude woman, and he did nothing. and me being slow witted did nothing to shut her mouth. Dont let me get hold of her company's contact email or what. If she is cold storage staff, I will complain on her fuckup attitude.

I pray for her, no sales for the whole lifetime and she will get complaints for every sales she mad (if she managed to make anything). I am so pissed off that I will not buy from her! Pls don't patronised.

Friday, February 5, 2010

Cheerleading Nostalgia

Just watched the Hall Olympiad Hall 14 Cheerleading. Nowadays youngster so creative huh. got mario! so cute wor..

Xiang dang nian, lao niang also got joined the HO cheerleading team for Hall 14. Hah. Was forced to join elated because I am Hall Cultural Sec and no one else wanna join! 2004 HO Initially was relunctant lah. of coz. so I jio YK to join with me. He din't have a choice damn on! So we joined the first year. Bobby the Coach always takan me because I am not pretty enough wanted to put me to challenges. He gave the very strong bases to skinny people like Lili and Zhenyu. Not saying my bases are weak lah! but donny havent started his gym then yet and compared to Zhongming who is more bulky in build, you get what I mean right donny? hah. And my bases also damn poor thing. I was the fattest flyer fryer. It was more amateur then but I quite like the 'flying' experience. That's me! Before braces, my teeth like bunny. and yk's classic hairstyle. They gave me a lovely surprise on my birthday which I never forget. They asked me to do an elevator shoot up from ground! Somemore it was zhongming and zhaoming (i think), pple I nv get to pair up with. It looked simple but the stunt require the flyer to push up and lock all the way. It was scary for an amateur like me, but it was also pro enough. At least I still rem ZM to exclaim "very light leh" hah. I am heavy mah, if he said very light means I got do my job right. Nice. We won something (I can't rem what). But it was a fun experience!

2005 HO We joined the next year. And because of my size, my coach again ostracised upgraded me. I wasn't allowed to fly. I was delegated as the middle bases, support staff. I was pretty upset then. Because if you are not the flyer, you don't get to fly, not even doing the most basic prep. The most stunt I did then was shoulder sit -_-''' I really can't dance despite the practices. Spot me in the video if you can.
This is the elevator, thanks for fulfiling my lil' wish. Ignore my fats and ah tuk hairstyle. nian shao wu zhi.

We din win. I think mainly because one of the flyer had a hard fall, a big negative to safety. this year ain't so great. I was more of doing nothing yet must reduce weight! Damn stressful can!

See how my eyes smile with the KFC in front of me after the competition!

2006 HO
I din join coz I gave up on them coz they never let me fly it was my final year and I was very fang zhong and became fatter. Surprisingly Pam joined. So this was the video for the year I din join.

They won third.

I did help out coaching but they don't listen to me. So I gave up as well. Hah.