Friday, November 27, 2009

My A&E experience

Okay I am dumb. I fell from the bicycle again. Third time in my life and this time is a combo hit, I sprained my left wrist again, hurt my chin again.

I was cycling in front of the Goldkist resort. At the bend near the lobby of the resort, I lost my mind and sped up instead of slowing down. When I fell, I keep nagging at my boy, "don't touch me, pain pain pain!" Hah, scared my boy who was behind me.

Really thanks to the kind-hearted soul who gave us a box of tissue. Really impt! went to CGH on the command of my boy. And How lucky I can be, being in the longest queue. Flared up after two hrs of waiting when the guy behind me went in first after his complaint. My wound still bleeding and he looked perfectly alright to me, how can he go in first!

Initially was proposed to have one stitch. then doctor added one more, and another to play safe. three stitches in total, same as last time. they are side-by-side I think. Also had a tatenus booster, and x-ray done (no fracture bone of coz!) and wound cleaned up.

I need to save up money to do my chin. and hopefully the scratches on my face heal faster!

reminder to self and family: had a tatenus booster shot which will last for 5 years. should I have another cut/accident, pls let the doctor know.

miraculously, I tweeted, took pixs, and smsed my sister abt the accident claim right after the incident.

Only when u hurt the part, u realised u need that part. I miss my chin. It hurts when I tried to open my mouth bigger. Have to take food in small bites and I feel so not satisfied.

AND BIG HUGS TO MY BOY! *lotsa kisses* he is damn worried abt me the whole time, I feel so loved. U know, such thing seldom happen to me, so it's not easy to see his worried face.

other than that, I hurt my neck and chest slightly. I guess not too bad. I just hope I din scared my new bosses on monday.

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