Sunday, August 31, 2014

New resolution!

I am a terrible mum and I suddenly self-reflected... erm... after 17.5 months. oops. it's kinda late but I guess the maternity instincts always rave during pregnancy. So I am looking for tons of ideas for the kids - we have a couple now and it kinda make sense to start making toys. maybe next week when the 8 year old comes to my house during her school holidays, I will get her to help too! A couple of things we can do: - Sensory and bean bags with alphabets, numbers, shapes - Busy/quiet boxes filled with toys - Road trip bags My girl is terrible when it comes with car seat. Either she struggled or I will gave her iphone/ipad to keep her entertained. I am feeling so exhausted now to fight with her to keep her in. Craft materials: - Cotton bud sticks and cotton balls (just nice, we bought plenty and don't know what to do with it) - Cardboards (we had some from purchasing boxes of diapers and it's a pity to dump them away!) - Balloons - saw the play doh balloon and hoping no one throw away the balloon Arielle just bought! - Oats, flour, rice, beans for sensory play (to be honest, we threw alot of those away due to expiry! Should have kept it for them to play) - Playdoh, pipe cleaners, disposable utensils, craftsticks - the possibilities are abundance! - Books (bought her a few and all chunk to one side) - Puzzles - must find those cheap ones - DIY stuff e.g. bean bags - I love bean bags, we had a good 5- 10 mins play just with the small 5 stones I kept in my drawer. When she can jump, we can do more - like hop scrotch with bean bag toss, shuttle run, or some competition. I used to think those mini races our PE teachers made us do were so silly! Thinking back, it's so fun actually. and teachers used those to drain our energy. hahaha. So hopefully I get my lazy ass out of the bed/sofa and move it move it! Great websites:

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