Wednesday, March 20, 2013

Waiting continue

Feet swelled for 2nd time. According to myth, preggy give birth when the feet swell third time!

Heard a pop sound yesterday at 2.15pm and thought my waterbag broke. But atlas, nothing happened. Drifted into sleep and had a dream that I gave birth (again!). But my daughter in my dreams said she dont like her mummy (aka me) but no choice. And I told her the feeling is mutual. Lol. Spiteful mum and daughter! My hub will have a tough time if it happen..

I am drifting into sleep and waking up every few hours. Guess my body is adjusting to suit the baby's feeding timing now.


tazboy said...

LOL. that's a funny dream.

tazboy said...

LOL. that's a funny dream.