Tuesday, March 19, 2013

The waiting game begins

All packed and brought over to my mum's house. I think* (~.~)

So I told lil baby: "mummy like 21032013, so please come out on 21st!" 21st it shall be, must have that faith!

I am finally on leave! Actually have some backlogs. Waiting for hub to bring over my work laptop. life of a working mum-to-be. Meantime, I wanna enjoy first. Spending time with nana and my parents. And maybe do some marketing? The stomach hardening more often, more pushing at the pelvis area, more stomachaches, more discomfort over time. There is this dull pain at the sides of the top uterus - feels like something cutting me inside with knife. My cousin and gynae said it's stretching pain. But that's making me sleepless at night when I sleep at night. I am probably the only preggy sleeping on my back. That's the most comfy position to me.

Baby is still active inside. Kicking and swimming happily during our last checkup at 39 w 1 d based on edd. Head not engaged yet. Also did the ctg scan which shows baby heartbeat and mine. Dr Tham said I did show some contractions but not there yet.

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