Wednesday, October 6, 2010

Veggie and A&E VII VIII IX

VII: the experience vet called at 5 plus to say it's definitely a blood clot. They won't be doing anything except giving painkillers and waiting for the clot to dissolve on it's own. I couldn't visit him so yk went on my behalf to take photos to show me.

Went down and meet Cai, ml and stef. We saw the vet and she mentioned that veggie was blocked again, mon and tues. And the bacteria culture is out and it's a very resistant one. Only susceptible to one antibiotic.

The vet had to check with her pharmacist if they have it, if not supplier, if not buy from human pharmacy.

For the leg, it doesn't look good. Worst case was either to amputate his legs or put to sleep.

I couldn't really zzz coz I am scared that every min passed equal every min lost. Made a decision to shift him out of mount pleasant. This comes with support from yk which is real impt. Since the mp doc is not doing anything and real slow to get the antibiotic, I might as well try our luck. By today veg is already super weak. He haven't been eating or drinking.

We went to animal recovery center at balestier instead.

Doc wrote a prescription to get the antibiotic. Perfectly fine for us if we can get it faster than them! We went round to call (mount e, ttsh, raffles, Sgh) and finally Sgh is the place to go.

It's another heart sinking moment to be reminded of her painful days here.

I finally came to know it's vancomycin which doctor used as last resort (wikipedia).

Finally got it. The antibiotic of last resort. $20 to buy a hope.

Veggie was dull and look like all hopes lost. One of his leg was already stiff. But I was still hoping he stay strong.

- Posted using BlogPress from my iPhone

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