Sunday, October 3, 2010

Veggie and A&E V and VI

Veggie was better on day V. The urine was almost clear and he is starting to be agressive.

Day VI, Vet called at 3plus. She asked was veggie dragging his leg when he was at home before admission? I was appalled. We made our way to the hospital and waited very long for the vet to come to us.

During the period we observed Veggie boy. True enough, he was having difficulty walking and dragging his right hind leg. He can still lift it up but when he has to stand up to walk, he dragged his leg and almost lost balance when he lied down again. His urine is clear and the catherer was removed already. But he was still straining, and only droplets of urine came out.

Finally saw the vet, Dr Leong. Told her Veggie was okay, still can walk like normal on Saturday. She did some test, including taking forceps to pinch Veggie's toes everywhere. Veg was supposed to retract his leg based on reflex instinct but HE DIDN'T. It was so worrying and the vet seemed to be totally don't know what happen to veg. Asked her to do the x-ray and I have to prompt her "can we do the x-ray now or tomorrow?". Okay, another 1/2hr wait.

She came back saying that the x-ray doesn't show anything. so she really was clueless on what's happening. I asked her to get an more experienced vet. hopefully veggie's legs can wait for the cure. I read up on some condition called Blue Claws, where the cat has a blood clot near his heart. Blood stopped flowing to their legs and by then, the vet offered the owner two options. I forgot the first but 2nd is Euthanasia. Thank god vet said it is unlikely to be blue claw, more like nerve or muscle problem. His legs are starting to show bluish and shriking muscle. Strangely he was straining but when they expressed their bladder, he can give a smooth stream which means nothing is blocked.

I was thinking if the vet were to pose this question to me, I would have break down and cry. Anyway, veg is 9, I would have to face this sooner or later. But I feel that he still can stay with us for another few years. And I don't wanna be faced with this question ever!

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