Thursday, December 31, 2009

My 2009

I did this at end of Jan 2010. So I am gg to try and rem as much as I could.

2009 wasn't a good year for me and my family. The nightmare didn't end as I wished at end 2008. The situation was bad. It's like giving you hope and dash it again and again. Lousy feeling. For that plus personal reason, I changed my job. Some opportunity costs were incurred.

For whatever happened, relationships were strained. Not just me and my family, also with my boy.

My pet tortise died. He had been with us for 10 years. R.I.P, dear.

For health related, I took out my wisdom tooth x 2. I fell down AGAIN (bicycle related). and had three stitches on my chin.

Financial crisis for me.

But the greater joy was:
1) Finally he proposed to me. just that he forgot that particular kneel-down which I will remember he owe me forever.

2) my sis bought her dog. Added joy to our family and for that, kids ain't appealing anymore. Nana is an absolutely cutie pie (less her never-ending barkings when pple came).

3) I stepped out of Batam finally and went to Hong Kong and Bintan. Not a big achievement but it's a small leap forward.

4) I had more meetups with friends. They are great and din forsaken me despite I kept flying aeroplanes. Love all of you.

5) We bought WII. and I upgraded my Iphone. Dumped my old PC. small matters, oh well.

so 2009 ended abruptly. 2010 Jan doesn't begin real well. I had a real bad mood for almost the entire jan. So hopefully the next 11 mths will be better!

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