Monday, November 30, 2009

Today is a bad day...

Today is really a lousy day.

The day ended with the worst news - our pet tortise died.

We had him for ten years. It actually belonged to me. Thinking my mum was joking with me when she said it seemed dead, I asked my boy to verify. It then struck me that it's real - It had passed away. I started crying and started researching for Pet cremation services. It cost $180 to cremate it and get back the ash. In the end, I gave up on this idea. Sorry tortise..

Even for a pet tortise which I din really pay much attention to daily, I cried hard. If Nana/veggie is dead (CHOY!), I bet I will cry even harder! So no more pet for me.

The day started with my first day at work, while my sister gets admitted. Mine weren't smooth sailing, with technical glitches here and there. my sister was poked more than seven times.

Then I changed my own dressing. Bloody hell, I can't find a scissors w/o rust in my whole house! And I saw the stitch! IT'S UGLY!!! and it was really done badly, with the wound not really put nicely together. I still can see raw skin and it looks terrible.

Then I misestimated the position of the plaster, I had to paste another one over. Another shoddy piece of work.

Then my chest pain still persist. and I have some small streaks of blood in my mucus. I hope i won't drop dead and died.

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