Monday, June 3, 2013

Bad night

Whatever can go wrong went wrong. 

Dog peed in room, baby refused to sleep and wanted milk in less than 2 hr, milk supply went drastically down, hub sick and all acting strange. I feel super pissed at whatever he is doing. Seriously using 4 packs x 200 sheets of tissue to clean up dog pee seems very not economical especially when the wife's mood is so bad...

I think my menses is coming back. Everything i see also buay song and no patience to coax the little girl and sayang my big boy. Actually they are doing good but I lack patience big time, especially I am pumping every 2 hour to get supply up! It's very very taxing and crazy. I feel really apologetic to my hub but no face to say sorry to him.

my only thought now is: Hopefully can wake up for midnight pumps! :(:( I miss sleeping...

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Totally understand everything just dont seem to be right. Hahaaha. Sometimes husband play a big part they are so patience .haha I also wanna say sorry to my hubby but wanna save face but still text sorry the next following day. I never been so tired in my own life even since my baby is born I dont blame anyone just like you miss sleeping...