Sunday, August 1, 2010


Credits to the Google. That's not my ring btw.

Finally booked the wedding banquet at Intercontinental Hotel on 1 Oct 2011!

Exactly 14 mths later...

With this bridal shoots and banquet (two big tickets) out of the way, and I found my perfect wedding band (yippie!), wedding becomes nearer to reality. I can no longer be nonchalant.

And I can't fly aeroplane last min and said "sorry, I cannot attend this event", something evil I typically do. OMG.
Sorry friends, my million apologies. pls attend my wedding w/o MIA-ing okay, really wanna share the joy with you.

This period is usually an irony period. Couples will undergo emotion peaks and troughs. It's especially painful for the Bride who have to look her best on that day. Stress from wedding preparations couples the agony to slim down yet look radiant at the shortest time with the smallest budget!

I had that stress feeling when we were starting our preparations where I suddenly have really high expectation of wedding. I admit, I have the worst temper in the world (especially during PMS). And I hate that evil feeling!

My tagline for this special event is:

Zero expectations and 80% enjoyment!

There bound to have times frustrations will hit in like tsunami. So if I can achieve 80% enjoyment, it will be great!

So I am gonna leave my partner with all major decision-makings! He always makes good decisions. And I am not going to regret it!!!!

The only thing I really have to do is to be as slim and radiant as possible, in an enjoyable and achievable manner. I know I cannot commit to things like exercise three times a week, apply lotions every day. So just small things I can do right now:
- Eat s l o w l y
- No curry/curry potato on my mixed veg rice
- Reduce coke/fizzy drinks/sugary drinks
- No junk food (e.g. mcdonald, kfc, popeye, maggie mee or luncheon meat) for dinner;
- No food intake after 8pm
- Can indulge in the above once a week *Grin*

Yup, the list will increase hopefully.

Anyway friends, please remind me of the tag line whenever I fall into the trough.

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