Sunday, July 11, 2010

Some thoughts

Treated pple to some buffet but ended up hearing critisms such as it's not worth the money.

It really sucks because u paid and pple don't like the food.

I always hate to make decisions including buying presents and arranging lunches/dinner.

pple keep telling me it's okay as it's the thoughts that counts. Seriously this is just a lie to comfort the buyer. Behind ur back, pple still remember u as a bad host and ur bad taste.

That's why I develop decision making problem and low confidence. I guess I still get overly conscious of pple's opinions.

- Posted using BlogPress from my iPhone

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Oww, that hurts. But I guess you're right about people talking.

I just found your blog on one of my blog hops. I guess I'll just follow and visit you back again!