Thursday, April 8, 2010

Nana eats

Nana finished the food I cooked for her. It is a great sense of accomplishment, less the garlic small lingering in her mouth.

Was quite impomptu to pick out whatever available and make it into decent meal. Hee.

1. Boil cabbage and carrots til soft. Cut into pieces as small as possible.
2. Chop 1 small clove of garlic.
3. Fry the garlic til golden brown with olive oil.
4. Add chicken fillet meat.
5. Combine everything and tadah!

Really need to plan her meals coz what she was having for the past few mths wasn't nutritional enuff.

- Posted using BlogPress from my iPhone

1 comment:

Momo said...

hi, been following your blog for a while, out of interest.
I think garlic's poisonous to dogs, because it contains thiosulphate - could cause haemolytic anaemia to them (self destruction of red blood cells)

you may think twice in the future before giving your dog any of the following - garlic, onions, chocolates, grapes/raisins, macademia nuts, etc
