Saturday, May 2, 2009


Glad for the long weekend. Oh, my mom picked up a baby bird. Seems injured and weak. So my mom brought it back. It's been three days and growing strong.

My dad so loved it can! He actually went Chong Pang to buy mealworms to feed it and even a lightbulb so as to give it warmth. Everyday, he will feed it and check on it to see if it's okay.

I actually went to google on "how to take care of an injured baby bird". The results were my dad actually did it all correctly! (except the part where we should also feed it with some grains to complete the meal).

I dunno where comes my courage, I actually picked her up with bare hands. Ask my sis, it's a mission impossible. haha.I let it flap its wings on my hand coz it's pretty uncomfortable to flap its wings while lying the bedding. It seems alot stronger than when it first came.
See! So cute right. =) Hope it will get well soon and start to fly!
Mom said mama bird is crying out for its baby. What to do, we couldn't find the nest and somemore my uncle said he picked it up before (meaning 2nd time that it dropped from its nest).

Maybe I will try to pick up mealworms next time. Haha.

Oh, H1N1 is making me highly irritated. The hospitals are way too much to implement those measures. Those staying in hospitals are so poor thing. Only 1 visitor allowed. I know it's to contain the impact of the virus spread should some bastard really carry the virus back from Mexico. BUT THEN! The protocols are implemented differently. We can imagine the following conversation going on somewhere:

A: Oh auntie, no one visit you today?
B: Ya lor, all my kids are busy today.
A: Oh, then can lend me your quota? Her ah pa also wanna visit her leh (pointing to the patient)
B: How much? I sell you *wink*

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